Rules, conditions, and methods

Find translated rules, conditions, and methods for grid connection and system operation.


Please note that translations are not available for all rules, conditions, and methods, meaning that many texts are only available in Danish. To get a full picture of the requirements, you must therefore consult our Danish list of requirements on our Danish site.

Translations of the original Danish texts are for informational purposes only and not substitutes for the official Danish texts. The English texts are not legally binding and offer no interpretation on the Danish texts. In case of inconsistency, the Danish versions apply.

Grid connection new facilities

Please visit our Danish site for the full list of requirements. More documents will be added as these are translated.

Generation facilities (Requirements for Generators (RFG))


Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/631 of 14 April 2016 establishing a network code on requirements for grid connection of generators


The RfG requirements apply to all new generation facilities >0.8 kW. They also apply when significant changes are made to category C and D facilities.


Facilities connected in the distribution grid are also subject to the requirements in the grid enterprises' technical conditions. Find these here on the website of Green Power Denmark, the Danish professional body representing Danish energy companies (Danish only).


Title Version  Applicable from
RfG - Approved threshold values  1 24.09.2018 
RfG - Appendix 1 - Requirements (Danish only) 2 22.07.2022 
RfG - Appendix 1A - Generic signal list  1 17.11.2018 
RfG - Appendix 1B - Requirements for simulation models 2 22.10.2020 
RfG - Appendix 1C - Robustness requirements (FRT) 1 19.11.2018
RfG - Appendix 1D - Reactive power control properties  1 19.11.2018 

Moreover, a grid connection process walk-through is available.


Explanatory documents

Explanatory document RfG- Connection of generators to the transmission grid rev. 1 - June 2021


Grid connection agreement and terms:
Grid connection agreement (template)
Appendix 1 Grid connection terms


Demand facilities (Network Code on Demand Connection (NC DC))


Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/1388 of 17 August 2016 establishing a Network Code on Demand Connection


Demand facilities and distribution systems connected above 100 kV as of 18 August 2019 are subject to the requirements in the Network Code on Demand Connection (NC DC).


Updated requirements available in Danish:


Title Version Applicable from
NC DC National requirements for grid connection of demand facilities 3 24.11.2023 
NC DC Appendix A - Exchange of information (signal list) 1.5 18.08.2019
NC DC Appendix B - Power quality - see Danish version  2 24.11.2023
NC DC Appendix D - Simulation models 1 18.08.2019


Guides and explanatory documents:

Outline of the connection process under NC DC

Explanatory guide to the connection process for TSO-connected demand facilities



Technical Regulations:

Title Applicable from
Technical Regulation 3.4.2 Manual load-shedding of transmission-connected demand facilities 01.03.2021
Explanatory document for Technical Regulation 3.4.2 26.02.2021


Grid connection agreement and terms:
Grid connection agreement (template)
Appendix 1 Grid connection terms


Methodologies etc.

Connection principles for grid connection of electricity consumers to the electricity transmission grid

Approval of connection principles


Energy storage facilities (Technical regulation 3.3.1)


No. Title Current revision Valid from
3.3.1 Technical regulation 3.3.1 Requirements for energy storage facilities Revision 5 15.02.2024



Grid connection agreement and terms:
Grid connection agreement (template)
Appendix 1 Grid connection terms


Under the three EU regulations

  • RfG (Requirements for Generators) - Article 41
  • DCC (Demand Connection Code - Article 35
  • HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current) - Article 70

Energinet must assess whether any facility connected to the transmission system under one of the three regulations complies with the applicable requirements throughout its service life.
Energinet uses two procedures to make this assessment:

  • a self-assessment procedure, and
  • a procedure for follow-up on unintended false tripping in the transmission system.
    The three templates below for demand facilities, generation facilities and distribution systems, respectively, are used for the self-assessment procedure.
Template DSO - Self-assessment - start-up of review of requirement compliance 
Template demand facilities - Self-assessment - start-up of review of requirement compliance 
Template generation facilities -Self-assessment - start-up of review of requirement compliance 

As for the procedure for follow-up on unintended false tripping in the transmission system, Energinet makes an individual assessment in cooperation with the facility owner in each specific case.


Time intervals and contact

Distribution systems: Every 5 years

Demand facilities: Every 3 years

Generation facilities: Every 3 years



Mette Holck Amtoft


Grid connection existing facilities

Please visit our Danish site for the full list of requirements.

Generation facilities

As requirements are revised, the replaced revisions will be available below as they still apply to the facilities that were connected when the specific revision was applicable.


Requirements for generators (RfG)

  Revision Applicable from* 
RfG - Appendix 1 - Requirements  1 27 April 2019 

* Revision 2 applicable from 22.10.2022.


Terms and conditions

Title Published*
Template Grid Connection Agreement for generation facilities  29 September 2021
Appendix 1 Grid Connection Terms and Conditions for generation facilities  29 September 2021
Appendix 2 Establishment Terms and Conditions for generation facilities  29 September 2021
Grid Connection Terms and Conditions for generation facilities - RfG - standard 15 November 2019

* Date of publication of Danish requirements.



Moreover, a grid connection process walk-through is available.



Technical regulation 3.2.1 for power plants up to and including 11 kW

This technical regulation comprises provisions for power plants with a power output of up to and inlcuding 11kW connected to the Danish public electricity supply grid. The regulation includes provisions for the properties which the power plants must have throughout their service lives. Please note that operating conditions are governed by other regulations.


No. Title Current revision Valid from
3.2.1 Technical regulation 3.2.1 for power plants up to and including 11 kW Revision 2 30.06.2016
3.2.1 Annex to technical regulation 3.2.1 for power plants up to and including 11 kW Revision 3 07.06.2017
3.2.1 Technical regulation 3.2.1 Appendix 1, documentation [word file] Revision 2 30.06.2016



Technical regulation 3.2.2 for PV power plants above 11 kW

This technical regulation comprises provisions for PV power plants with a power output above 11 kW which are connected to the Danish public electricity supply grid. The regulation includes provisions for the properties which the PV power plants must have throughout their service lives. See the relevant system operation regulation for information on operating conditions.


No. Title Current revision Valid from
3.2.2 Technical regulation 3.2.2 for PV power plants above 11 kW Revision 4 14.07.2016
3.2.2 Technical regulation 3.2.2 Appendix 1, documentation [word file] Revision 4 14.07.2016
3.2.2 Technical regulation 3.2.2 Guidelines on the calculation of power quality parameters Revision 0 27.11.2014
3.2.2 Technical regulation 3.2.2 Guidelines on signal list Revision 0 27.11.2014
3.2.2 Technical regulation 3.2.2 Signal list for PV power plant Revision 1.0 19.01.2015
3.2.2 Technical regulation 3.2.2 Signal list for PV power plant [excel file] Revision 1.0 19.01.2015
3.2.2 Technical regulation 3.2.2 Guidelines on verification report Revision 0 27.11.2014
3.2.2 Technical regulation 3.2.2 Public consultation note   27.11.2014



Technical regulation 3.2.3 for thermal plants above 11 kW

This regulation is a combination of the historical technical regulations 3.2.3 and 3.2.4. It contains the technical and functional minimum requirements which thermal plants with a rated power above 11 kW must comply with to be connected to the Danish public electricity supply grid. The regulation includes provisions for the properties which these plants must have throughout their service lives. See the relevant system operation regulation for information on operating conditions.


No. Title Current revision Valid from
3.2.3 Technical regulation 3.2.3 for thermal plants above 11 kW Revision 1 10.01.2017
3.2.3 Annex to technical regulation 3.2.3 for thermal plants above 11 kW Revision 1 01.05.2017
3.2.3 Technical regulation 3.2.3 Appendix 1, documentation Revision 1 10.01.2017



Technical regulation 3.2.5 for wind power plants above 11 kW

This technical regulation comprises provisions for wind power plants above 11 kW connected to the Danish public electricity supply grid. The regulation includes provisions for the properties which the wind power plants must have throughout their service lives. See the relevant market and system operation regulations for information on market and operating conditions.


No. Title Current revision Valid from
3.2.5 Technical regulation 3.2.5 for wind power plants above 11 kW Revision 4 22.07.2016
3.2.5 Technical regulation 3.2.5 Appendix 1, documentation [word file] Revision 4 22.07.2016
3.2.5 Technical regulation 3.2.5 Guidelines for the caculation of power quality parameters Revision 0 15.12.2014
3.2.5 Technical regulation 3.2.5 Guidelines on signal list Revision 0 15.12.2014
3.2.5 Technical regulation 3.2.5 Signal list for wind power plants  Revision 1 07.01.2015
3.2.5 Technical regulation 3.2.5 Signal list for wind power plants [excel file] Revision 1 07.01.2015
3.2.5 Technical regulation 3.2.5 Guidelines on verfication report Revision 0 15.12.2014



Technical regulation 3.2.7 Requirements for voltage quality for generation facility connections to the transmission grid


No. Title Current revision Valid from
3.2.7  Technical regulation 327 Requirements for voltage quality for generation facility connections to the transmission grid 2 29.03.2019


Demand facilities

As requirements are revised, the replaced revisions will be available below as they still apply to the facilities that were connected when the specific revision was applicable.

Title Applicable from
DCC - Appendix 1 - Requirements 18.08.2019
DCC - Appendix 1A - POC drawings 18.08.2019
DCC - Appendix 1B - Generic signal list 18.08.2019
DCC - Appendix 1C - not in use 18.08.2019
DCC - Appendix 1D - Simulation model 18.08.2019
DCC - Appendix 1E - voltage quality 18.08.2019



Title  Published*
Template Grid Connection Agreement for demand facilities  29 September 2021
Appendix 1 Grid Connection Terms and Conditions demand facilities  29 September 2021
Appendix 2 Establishment Terms and Conditions demand facilities  29 September 2021

* Date of publication of Danish requirements

Energy storage facilities (Technical regulation 3.3.1)

As requirements are revised, the replaced revisions will be available below as they still apply to the facilities that were connected when the specific revision was applicable.

As of 1 January 2023, Technical regulation 3.3.1 Electrical energy storage facilities, revision 3, which is available in Danish only, replaced revision 2. Revision 3 contains primarily editorial corrections as well as changes made at the request of the Danish Utility Regulator. 


No. Title Revision Valid from
3.3.1 Technical regulation 3.3.1 Requirements for energy storage facilities (not translated) 4 01.01.2024
3.3.1 Technical regulation 3.3.1 Requirements for energy storage facilities (not translated) 3 01.01.2023
3.3.1  Technical regulation 3.3.1 for electrical energy storage facilities  2 18.12.2019
3.3.1  Technical regulation 3.3.1 for electrical energy storage facilities, Appendix 1 Documentation  2  18.12.2019
3.3.1  Documentation - category A, electrical energy storage facilities [WORD] 2  18.12.2019
3.3.1  Documentation - category B, electrical energy storage facilities [WORD] 2  18.12.2019
3.3.1  Documentation - categories C and D, electrical energy storage facilities [WORD] 2  18.12.2019
3.3.1  Documentation - category Sx, electrical energy storage facilities [WORD] 2  18.12.2019
3.3.1  Documentation - category T, electrical energy storage facilities [WORD] 2  18.12.2019
3.3.1 Technical regulation 3.3.1 for battery plants 1 23.06.2017
3.3.1 Technical regulation 3.3.1 Appendix 1, documentation [word file]  1 23.06.2017












System operation

Please visit our Danish site for the full list of requirements. More documents will be added as these are translated.

System operation concerns the regulation of system operation and responsibilities related to system operation and also operational reserves, operational procedures, operational planning, staff training and emergency preparedness, requirements for control equipment in control centres, and requirements for exchange of operational measurements (including real-time measurements and operational status). Furthermore, the regulations for system operation set the requirements for handling emergency preparedness situations and system disturbances, e.g. frequency load shedding and disconnection of electricity generation.

Technical regulations

Manual load-shedding of transmission-connected demand facilities (Technical regulation 3.4.2)

No. Title Effective from
3.4.2 Technical regulation 3.4.2 Manual load-shedding of transmission-connected demand facilities 01.03.2021


No. Title Current revision Published
3.4.2 Explanatory document for technical regulation 3.4.2 Manual load-shedding of transmission-connected demand facilities 1 14.04.2021



Definition of plant status for thermal power stations connected to the transmission grid (Technical regulation 5.1.2)

No. Title Current revision Effective from
5.1.2 Definition of plant status for thermal power stations Revision 0 25.03.2015


The archive (outdated rules)


Grid connection team

Regulatory enquiries

Danish rules, regulations, conditions, and methods

As stated, translations are not available for all rules, conditions, and methods.

Visit our Danish site for more information (Danish only):

Grid connection

Electricity market

System operation

Retail market and DataHub


Public consultations

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Rules, regulations, conditions, and methods in Danish