
Energinet hosts a number of forums each year to help us stay informed about what is on your mind, right now.  

When you speak, we listen.

E-communication is a great way to stay in touch, but at Energinet we believe that meeting in person is often the shortest distance from question to solution. We would like to invite you to join us at one of our forums and put your imprint on the Danish gas market.

To learn more about our next scheduled event, please select the forum that fits your profile:

  • Shippers' Forum
  • Shippers' Forum
  • Green Gas Forum
  • Retail Market Forum

Shippers' Forum

Our next shippers' forum:

Will be held physically from 13.00-16.00 on  

19 September 2024

Put your special imprint on the Danish gas market

At Energinet we know that transparency, open dialogue and cross-border exchange of ideas and insights are key elements to the success of our energy market and we want to share our future-forward thinking with you.

When you speak, we listen

Energinet hosts a number of shippers' forums each year to help us stay informed about what is on your mind, right now. The more we get to know you, the better we can serve you.

In English

Energinet's shippers' forums are conducted in English.


Shippers Forum 14 March 2024

Shipper Forum 14 December 2023

Shippers Forum 14 September 2023

Shippers Forum 8 June 2023

Shippers Forum 9 Marts 2023

Shippers Forum 8 December 2022

Shippers Forum 15 September 2022

Shippers Forum 9 June 2022

Shippers Forum 10 March 2022 - Video presentation

Shippers Forum 9 December 2021 - Video presentation

Shippers Forum 9 September 2021

Shippers Forum 10 June 2021

Shippers Forum 10 December 2020

Shippers Forum 17 September 2020

Shippers Forum 4 June 2020

Shippers Forum 5 December 2019

Shippers Forum 5 September 2019 - Video presentation

Shippers Forum 6 June 2019

Shippers Forum 7 March 2019 - Video presentation

Shippers Forum 13 December 2018 - Video presentation

Shippers Forum 13 September 2018

Shippers' Forum 13 June 2018 - Video presentation

Shippers' Forum 15 March 2018 - Video presentation

Shippers' Forum 7 December 2017 - Video presentation

Shippers´Forum 21 June 2017 - Video presentation

Shippers´Forum 9 March 2017

Shippers´Forum 8 December 2016

Shippers´Forum 8 September 2016

Shipper´s Forum 16 June 2016

Shippers´Forum 10 March 2016





Green Gas Forum

Green Gas Forum

Energinet invites the entire chain of stakeholders and customers – from production of raw biomass to consumption of the end product – to participate in our green gas forum. Through open dialogue and exchange of ideas and insights, the forum explores how to develop and expand the biomethane market in Denmark and internationally. Green Gas Forum is currently dormant, however it will be activated if needed and requested by the shippers.  

In Danish

Energinet’s green gas forum is conducted in Danish.

Stay updated on green gas in Denmark

If you would like us to keep you updated about Energinet's green gas forums and other topics involving green gas, please subscribe to green gas news on our Danish webpage.

Retail Market Forum

Current trends

The Danish distribution company invites gas suppliers, distributions companies and third-party stakeholders – such as IT suppliers – to discuss current trends in the Danish gas retail market.

In Danish

Evida’s retail market forums are conducted in Danish.


Please consult Evida's website for more information.



Send us an email, if you have any questions related to forums
