Hydrogen market dialogue

As part of our ongoing efforts to mature the project: Danish Hydrogen Backbone, Energinet invites future users of the hydrogen infrastructure to engage with us through a series of consultations, workshops, and meetings. Your participation is crucial to ensure that we find the best solution for all - and for unlocking the potential hydrogen has in the green transition.

On this page we share the materials from previous events and information on upcoming events

Additionally, we encourage you to subscribe to our newsletter. This will keep you updated with the latest news and developments from Energinet's Danish Hydrogen Backbone Maturation Project.

We truly appreciate your contributions and active involvement

  • Current events
  • Current events
  • Previous Events

Current events

The second information package on hydrogen is now published

To support the establishment of a Hydrogen Transmission Network in Denmark, Energinet hereby releases Information Package 2. This information package includes the latest information on several topics related to the Danish Hydrogen Backbone and the framework for the future utilization of a Danish Hydrogen Transmission Network.

To the Information Package 2


The first information package on hydrogen

The first information package on hydrogen is published - june 19. 2024

To support the establishment of a hydrogen network in Denmark, Energinet has released an information package.This information package includes the latest information on several topics related to the Danish Hydrogen Backbone and the framework for the future utilization of a Danish Hydrogen Transmission Network.

To the Information Package


Previous events

  • Balancing model consultation until EOD 10 May 2024:


  • Q&A list for User Commitments
    • Energinet has published a list of questions and answers received during the past months market dialogue on user commitments. The Q&A represents a list of questions and answers presented anonymously that has a general interest to all market participants, in terms of potentially participating in Step 1 of the user commitment process.


  • Step 1 of the user commitment process will be a market study due EOD 5 May 2024.
    • It is very important that anyone who wishes to use Danish Backbone West in the future makes their demand clearly known now. The results of this survey will be used for political discussions about potential re-scoping in Q3 2024 and for the business case that Energinet is preparing for our conditional investment decision in Q1 2025. 
    • The survey is quite extensive, so we recommend reviewing it immediately, so that you can plan accordingly.
    • It is not possible for you to enter your response, exit the survey, and then return to it, so please take a look at this PDF print-out or Word document first.
    • Here is a link to the survey itself and the Excel template for questions 16 and 17 in the survey.
    • E-mail the Excel document and documentation of your maturity to cru@energinet.dk and kkn@energinet.dk with your company and project name in both the subject line and document titles, and if possible given file sizes, try to send one email per project.
    • Energinet is subject to the Danish Public Information Act, but you can redact commercially sensitive information (e.g., prices), and we will report all results on an aggregated level.
    • You can also request an additional optional NDA from the email addresses above.
    • Here is our latest map to support your responses, but the final route is still to be decided.
    • We will publish information packages about routing and other topics in June and September (see introduction in the survey).