Data transparency

Find more information on the quality of data and impact on No Punishment Principle-compensation

Quality of DMS data

Data quality of Daily Metered Sites (DMS) data is assessed for each hour of the gas day and for each distribution zone area by calculating the hourly percentage deviation between non-valid and valid data.

Find the definition and map of the distribution zones here:

To assess the level of DMS data quality, Energinet has set a threshold that serves as a target for the DMS data’s accuracy during the gas day, comparing it with the valid DMS allocations. Given that the model is accumulated, data quality improves during the gas day.

The hourly deviation target thresholds are:

  • Hour 1 (06:00): 10 percent
  • Hour 2 (07:00): 8 percent
  • Hour 3 (08:00): 6 percent
  • Hour 4 (09:00): 4 percent
  • Remaining hours (10:00 – 05:00): 3 percent

Find an overview of historical and recent DMS data quality results here:

Overview of historical and recent DMS Data Quality Of Distribution Zones

Energinet publishes the previous month’s DMS data quality and hours exceeding the thresholds by the end of the following month (ie. Data quality results from January are published by the end of February).

Please note that the overview of the average monthly DMS data results is intended for illustrating the overall data trend of the distribution zones. Given that the results are averaged on a monthly basis, the results are subject to outlier effects on individual hours, which cannot be said to characterize the overall trend in data quality.

No Punishment Principle-compensation

To reduce the risk of shippers being penalized for imbalances caused by insufficient data quality levels towards JEZ, the No Punishment Principle (NPP) compensation has been introduced.

The No Punishment Principle (NPP) is applicable for daily imbalances (Cash-out purchase and sale) and hourly balancing obligations (Yellow Zone purchase and sale), and is delineated in the Approved Methodology of the Adjusted Commercial Balance Model and the General Terms and Conditions for Gas Transport.

Find a historical overview of volumes and amounts compensated by NPP from October 2022 to April 2024 here:

Energinet publishes the previous month’s total NPP compensation by the end of the following month (ie. NPP compensation granted in January is published by the end of February).

Find the total volumes and amounts compensated by NPP from previous months here:


Smoothing Allocation Point (SAP) is a virtual point used for hourly balancing obligation purposes to flatten out the Shippers offtake each Hour of the Gas Day at the Joint Exit Shipper Nominations.

The smoothing profile is the Natural Gas quantities, expressed in kWh/Hour, to be either delivered or offtaken in a given hour, to smooth out the daily offtake profile towards the Joint Exit Zone, in terms of balancing. The sum of all deliveries minus the sum of all offtakes for a given Gas Day must equal zero and must be within the individual Shipper S-max limit.

S-max is the individual maximum accumulated smoothing level a Shipper may reach on the entry side during the Gas Day when nominating towards the Smoothing Allocation Point.

Currently, total S-max is set at 5 GWh per day all year.

For more information on smoothing, please visit the Approved Methodology of the Adjusted Commercial Balance Model and the General Terms and Conditions for Gas Transport.

