Prequalification and test

Units or aggregated portfolios that wish to provide ancillary services must be tested and approved by Energinet. This is done by prequalification.

Units and aggregated portfolios that wish to deliver ancillary services must be tested and approved by Energinet to deliver the desired ancillary services. This is done by prequalification.

Contact us for questions and requests regarding prequalification.

The following documents contain requirements for prequalification and tests for all types of ancillary services. The documents also include requirements for aggregated portfolios. 

The average energy quantity supplied hourly for the FCR reserves in DK1 and DK2, respectively, is calculated using a month's frequency data with a 1 second resolution. Calculation results are available in the document 'Activation of frequency controlled reserves'.

In case of monitoring of the frequency containment reserves (FCR in DK1, FCR-D and FCR-N in DK2), an e-mail will be directed to the market players, which were obligated to deliver the reserve in the given period. A request of filling out data in the following document 'FCR Template' will be sent for the monitoring period. 

In additions to prequalification of units and aggregated portfolios, it is a condition to have an agreement with Energinet, which allows the market player to participate in the ancillary service markets. More information on this can be found here: Access to the ancillary service markets


Old versions of Prequalification documents

Below is a list of the old versions of the prequalification documents:

- April 2024: Prequalification Of Units And Aggregated Portfolios

- September 2023: Prequalification Of Units And Aggregated Portfolios