The second information package on hydrogen is now published

To support the establishment of a Hydrogen Transmission Network in Denmark, Energinet hereby releases Information Package 2. This information package includes the latest information on several topics related to the Danish Hydrogen Backbone and the framework for the future utilization of a Danish Hydrogen Transmission Network.

In order to accommodate the markets need for information Energinet will publish information packages on relevant subjects. This is the second of two planned information packages in 2024.

The information package is divided into four Sections. The first Section provides general information on various topics regarding hydrogen infrastructure. The second Section delves into the market model for hydrogen transport addressing topics that in time will be translated into "Terms and conditions for hydrogen transport". The third Section outlines the regulatory framework, detailing the legal and regulatory considerations relevant for hydrogen transport. Finally, the fourth Section presents the next steps, describing the expected timeline for methodologies to the Danish Utility Regulator, step two of the user commitment process and Energinets expectations for further information packages.

The information released is based on Energinet’s best available knowledge on the subjects at this point in time. However, a lot of work is yet to be finalized and a lot of the legal framework regarding hydrogen is not yet in place. Therefore, the information provided is not final and may be subject to changes in coming information packages. 

Energinet expects to release further Information packages during 2025, to support the market in the user commitment process. 

As part of this information package, Energinet also releases 2 associated documents:

  • A concept paper on the future terms and conditions for the binding part of the user commitment process, where we ask market participants for input (see feedback below)
  • An unofficial translation of a market paper on the future economic regulation for hydrogen from the Danish Utility Regulator.

Go straight to the information package

Read the user commitment concept paper – step 2

Information Paper Economic Regulation Of Hydrogen

Feedback: Energinet invites market participants to request for bilateral meetings during the coming period, and to submit written feedback to the user commitment concept paper by 31 October 2024. Please submit your request and written feedback to Christian Rutherford ( and Sofie Marie Skov (

Energinet would like to also draw attention to Evidas market dialogue which was conducted during the summer. Even though the deadline for participating in the dialogue has passed, Evida is still interested to hear from producers and consumers of hydrogen who did not participate at the time. Please contact Evida at for further information or learn more about Evidas work on hydrogen here.

Remember to sign up for our Hydrogen Market Meeting October 8th in Ballerup from 1.30pm – 3.30pm 

At the meeting you will have the opportunity to catch up on the latest news, talk to our hydrogen specialists, and visit various booths representing: Grid connection, System Design and Balancing Model, User Commitment process, The Market model, Infrastructure Solutions and Gasunie Deutschland will also join us.We look forward to spending the afternoon with you.

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