Energinets second information package on hydrogen will be published next week. Sign up now for our Hydrogen Market Meeting on October 8th at Energinet, Ballerup

Energinet will be releasing the second information package on hydrogen next week. This information package follows up on the first information package released in June and will provide the latest insights on several topics related to the Danish Hydrogen Backbone and the framework for the future utilization of a Danish Hydrogen Transmission Network. You will receive a notification as soon as the information package is published.

As a follow-up to the information package, Energinet invites you to attend a Hydrogen Market Meeting in Ballerup, Tuesday, October 8th from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm. 

At the meeting you will have the opportunity to catch up on the latest news, talk to our hydrogen specialists, and visit various booths representing: Grid connection, System Design and Balancing Model, User Commitment process, The Market model, Infrastructure Solutions and Gasunie Deutschland will also join us.

We look forward to spending the afternoon with you.

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