Become a balance service provider in Denmark

Read about the requirements for balance service provider and apply here

About the balance service provider role

A balance service provider, or BSP, can deliver the ancillary services FFR, FCR & FCR-D, which have a limited energy supply. To deliver the ancillary services aFRR and mFRR in either the balancing and/or the capacity market, the company must be a balance responsible party (read about the BRP role here).

Requirements for new BSPs

  • To deliver ancillary services with a limited energy supply, FFR, FCR & FCR-D, your company must be familiar with the C1 regulation
  • The company must have an EIC-number, which can be acquired by filling out this form and sending it to
  • The company must have a GLN-number, which can be acquired here


The proces to become a new BSP

Step 1: The company must enter into an agreement with eSett, who is responsible for imbalance settlement. Click here to read more about eSetts requirements and to register. 

Step 2: Fill out this form and send it to to start the credit assessment process. The company must provide 100.000 DKK in financial collateral either through Energinet’s credit assessment or through a bank guarantee.

Step 3When everything is settled concerning the formal requirements regarding financial security towards Energinet and eSett, eSett will send all contracts (including Energinet's), and when they have been signed, the company and eSett agrees on a date which the new role will be effective of. 

Step 4: If your company wish to deliver ancillary services, its units must be prequalified. This might take longer than the steps above, and a new BRP will not necessarily be able to deliver ancillary services from the date they become active in the BSP role. Read more about prequalification and tests here.

Step 5: all units must be registered in Datahub. Read more about Datahub and the registration proces of units here.


Do you have questions?

What is eSett?

The company eSett is Energinet's partner. eSett is responsible for imbalance settlement and most of – and eventually all – settlement for the delivery of ancillary services delivery. eSett's responsibilities in connection with the registration of a new BRP or BSP:

  • Responsible for registering Danish BRPs and BSPs with eSett
  • eSett sends the contracts on behalf of Energinet, so you as an actor receive all necessary contracts together
  • Your company is active in its new role in the balance market on the date you agree with eSett (after contracts are signed)*

*NB: This does not mean that you can deliver system services from this date, as this depends on the prequalification of your assets and relevant system setups.